Instructions for Marathon participants

Dear participants of the “Čiker MTB marathon“, in order to make sure that the marathon goes in the best possible order and atmosphere, as well as to realise its aims along the way, of which the most important are having fun and taking pleasure in natural beauties of the areas we are visiting, it is necessary for all the contestants to be acquainted with the chronology and some of the basic rules:


Chronologically, the Marathon can be divided into several phases:

Applying and reservation

Applying for the marathon participation shall be carried out on the club`s site. The reservation of accommodation is realised on the club`s site, either by opting for the concrete facilities with determined prices after which the exact amount of payment will be displayed.

Before the marathon start

The arrival of participants to Kraljevo, registration with the organizor, payment of expenses which were not covered earlier, taking over the luggage number, T-shirts and accommodation. The participants who stated their shirt size take them immediately, while those who didn`t, take them afterwards, chosing from the available sizes.

Labeling the luggage with numbers that the participants received from the organisor. Each paricipant will get 3 numbers with tags that they should carefully attach to their luggage (around the handle or some place visible). If the participant has more than 3 pieces of luggage, he/she should string two or more pieces together so that the complete luggage would be clearly labelled. The exact delivery that the participant chose during the accommodation reservation will depend on that.

During the marathon

Morning briefing (before the start, consulting on the section planned for that day).
The ride (divided into stages, with free times)
Placing the participants in facilities according to the list of reservations


It is necessary to respect the timetable for each activity (the time of departure, breakfast and dinner time, the morning delivery of luggage in the prearranged time for each location in the city we spend the night in...)

Every day, before the start, a short meeting will be held, where the organizers will inform the participants about the stage planned for that day (regarding the path, location ot the resting places, characteristics of the locations along the route, interesting objects etc.)

During the stage, the participants should have a backpack (or a pannier) with a raincoat, basic tool (a pump, a spare tire etc) as well as food for that stage.

Information regarding the Čiker MTB marathon will be updated and promptly disposable for all interested participants on the club`s site on the following address:

If the interested participants have any question regarding the Čiker MTB marathon, they should first take a look at the disposed material which is already updated on web pages of the club Čiker (such as texts, photos, videos, forms, application forms, brochures etc) and only if they don`t find the answer to their question, should contact us by e-mail, phone or some other appropriate way.

The members of the organizing committee will differ noticeably from the rest since. Only they will be in charge for any question or uncertainties which arise during the marathon. If any participant decides to act on his/her own or is talked into by an unauthorised person and so deviates from the agreed propositions of the marathon (such as riding on the path which is not the part of the projected track), he/she does it at his own risk.

During the whole marathon the participants can expect to be informed about any information regarding the marathon, by the members of the organising committee, as well as to receive technical help in case of a severe damage of bicycle and first aid in case of an injury of the participant.

The marathon participants shall take care of their bicycles by themselves (such as greasing, pumping tires and similar). Also, during the ride, the participants shall carry the set of the essential tools, spare inner tube as well as the necessary equipment needed in case of changes of weather conditions.